Monday, December 6, 2010

A Few Thousand Words (and a Colts Game)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so rather than yammering on for ten days about my first professional football game, here are the pics.

On Sunday, November 28, I went to my first NFL game ever! (Though I'm not a die-hard football fan, I've secretly always wanted to go to one.) In Florida, everyone has their own beloved sports teams. In Indy, the Colts ARE the team. You live there, you ARE a Colts fan. Which is kind of cool in its own way, with everyone being all gung-ho together and everything. Honestly, going to the game was so exciting that I may have to be a Colts fan now out of nostalgia...

At the beginning of the game some servicemen unrolled this gigantor flag onto the field (ah, patriotism), while Sandy Patti sang the national anthem.

Yes. Sandy Patti.

The giant bouncehouse down in the corner is the portal through which the players pass to enter the field at game time (accompanied by deafening applause).

The last player to enter is #18, Peyton Manning, who is basically the Zeus of Indianapolis.

Playing the Game

This is B.F.'s sister and one of his brothers. Five boys, one girl. Whoa. I don't know what I'd do without Jenna when I go visit.

These are B.F.'s two youngest brothers. The one on the right I'm pretty sure is the Colts' most passionate fan. He looked at me at one point during the game and shouted above the perpetual roar, "We come to a Colt's game, and Joanna is texting. Unbelievable!"


He also greeted me with, "That's the shiniest jersey I've ever seen!!" I think it was a compliment?

My hook-up for the tickets.

Somehow we ended up sitting near these Chargers fans (booooo...), and at several points I was tempted to throw ice at their heads.

Unfortunately the Chargers did beat the Colts, but that was really just a minor detail in an overall pretty fricken sweet experience.

So I'm still broke and jobless, but the occasional highlights (like awesome sports games) are making the waiting phase much better. :)


1 comment:

  1. I like the analogy of Peyton being Zeuss :) And cute pic of you and J!
